Friday, May 29, 2020

Heat Wave

As Montreal endures a record-breaking heat wave (it was 36.6 degrees on Wednesday), I thought this post showing a Song Sparrow having a welcome bath was apropos.

I was intrigued when approaching the little bird while it was in the grass on the other side of a path.  As I moved towards it, it moved towards me and then it stopped and fluttered its wings.  I then noticed the puddle on the path and immediately realized that it wanted to have a bath.  I stepped backwards and, as on cue, it stepped forwards and entered the water.  Here is the incident in photos:

Keep cool little one!


  1. What a cute sequence. We have a bird bath in our little backyard. I have noticed that at least some birds with bathe in any kind of weather. I have seen them do this on very cold days.

    1. You're right Anvilcloud. I've seen Chickadees (who seem to be invincible) bathe in winter!

  2. That's way too hot for me. Lovely pictures of a delightful little bird. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty. Yes, way too hot for me too. It is now much cooler and more comfortable thank goodness.

  3. Awwww! Yes, i do hope the creatures can keep cool in that kind of heat.

    1. Thanks messymimi. I'm glad that things have cooled off and also that we got some rain to fill up those puddles again (which had dried up).

  4. That must have been a very refreshing bath!
