Sunday, April 5, 2020

Venus and the Pleiades

April 3, 2020

I recently found out that during this first week of April, the planet Venus can be seen in "close proximity" to the star cluster known as The Pleiades (or Seven Sisters). I was lucky enough to get two nights when the clouds parted so that I could photograph them.  You will see how Venus "moves past" the cluster.

I did not use a tripod so the images are not the best but I was very excited to see The Pleiades as I had never seen them before, and in a city environment with lots of light, it was great to have Venus to guide me to them.

You can check out this article to see others' photos and learn more about these celestial bodies.

April 4, 2020


  1. So glad you were able to see The Pleiades twice Doris. Great photos. I'm jealous. :-)

    1. Thanks Didee! There's still a chance to see them but as they get further away from Venus, it's harder to locate them.

  2. Lucky you seeing these and taking such good pictures.Thanks for link which I'll look at later.
    Take care. xx

    1. Thank you Flighty. I think you'll find the article interesting. Take care too!

  3. Nicely done by hand. You must be like a rock. BTW there is a supermoon for the next two nights if you can find a spot.

    1. Thanks Anvilcloud. I had the help of a lamp post to lean on! Thanks for the reminder about the supermoon. I tried last night but over exposed every shot. I'll try again tonight if it's clear and use better settings.

  4. Wonderful! It makes me sad that i don't know more about how to identify the stars and planets.

    1. I know very little messymimi. I just happened to read an article about the Pleiades. It's fun to dabble in astronomy. :-)
