Monday, April 27, 2020

Treetop Tryst

A pair of Cooper's Hawks has taken up residence in a local cemetery and I have been checking in on them each day I go out.  Unfortunately the gates of the cemetery are locked so my images are from quite a distance and therefore not of the greatest quality but I was able to capture a sequence of shots of a rather intimate moment between them. 

And finally, here is one of the pair on their nest which is high in a conifer.  I will be curious to see if baby hawks will be around later in the spring!


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, messymimi, wouldn't that be something?! :-)

  2. You impress me. You must know where every critter on the island hangs out.

  3. Cemeteries are good places to see wildlife. I look forward to seeing pictures of the baby hawks. xx

    1. You are right about cemeteries Flighty. Unfortunately, you will see in the next post that it seems these hawks have moved away. :-(

  4. Doris, lovely to find you. And great photos.

  5. Oh dear, how sad. I was so looking forward to more of your wonderful photos Doris. One can only hope they are together and have just decided to nest elsewhere.

    1. Thanks Didee. I think that is the case. I remember a pair at the Mount Royal cemetery abandoning a nest and then successfully nesting in a tree a short distance away.
