Thursday, June 3, 2021

Various Birds In The Area

Aside from the Cardinal and the Warblers (see previous posts), various other birds have graced the area where I bird-watch.  Here are many that I was happy to see during these last two months.

Chipping Sparrow, spizella passerina

Hermit Thrush, catharus guttatus

Brown Creeper, certhia americana

Eastern Phoebe, sayornis phoebe 

Brown Thrasher, toxostoma rufum 

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, sphyrapicus varius

White-throated Sparrow, zonotrichia albicollis

White-crowned Sparrow, zonotrichia leucophrys

Canada Goose, Branta canadensis

Downy Woodpecker, dryobates pubescens

Least Flycatcher, empidonax minimus

Blue-headed Vireo, vireo solitarius

Rose-breasted Grosbeak, pheucticus ludovicianus

Red-eyed Vireo, vireo olivaceus

Baltimore Oriole, icterus galbula


  1. They are all so different and so lovely!

  2. You are quite a naturalist to find and photograph such wildlife in the confines of a major urban area.

    1. Thanks Anvilcloud. Hours of walking and watching have paid off!

  3. Wonderful selection, I especially like the Eastern Phoebe. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty. You may be interested to know that the Phoebe is one of a pair that is nesting in the area.

  4. Birds come in so many varieties that I find I'm overwhelmed. :-) I'm partial to the White-throated Sparrow.

  5. Thanks Didee. I like the White-throated Sparrow too and wasn't it nice that it posed in the dandelions so as to pick up the yellow on its face like that?
