Friday, June 26, 2020

A New Cooper's Hawk Family

If you are a regular reader of this blog you know that a pair of Cooper's Hawks took up residence in a cemetery here in Saint-Laurent. 

After occupying a nest high in a conifer, they abandoned it, and several days later, started building a new one in a deciduous tree in another area of the cemetery.  I have been monitoring their activities ever since I first spotted them and to my delight, they have successfully hatched out nestlings.  

Here are a few photos and a very short video.   

This nest and these hardy birds have weathered two strong wind/rain storms and a construction crew working on a building only a few meters from the tree!

Note: captions are below each photo.  You can enlarge a photo by clicking on it.

Starting the process!

A portrait of a handsome bird!

How cute is that little face?!

One nestling is on the left and there is a partial view of another on the far right.

Sitting in the nest!

Baby and parent.

To see a 25 second video, click here.

Stay tuned!


  1. The wind knocked down trees and branches here. Glad your hawks and their home withstood it.

  2. Lovely post and pictures. Good to see them doing well. xx

  3. I'm looking forward to more photos as they grow. You must be so thrilled to follow their development Doris.

    1. Thanks Didee. Yes, I feel like their parent and worry about them! :-)

  4. How delightful! Let's hope this is just the first successful hatching in a string of them for generations to come.
