Thursday, July 25, 2024

Lots of Baby Birds!

After a disappointing spring in terms of warbler sightings (something I look forward to every year), it became a remarkable time for baby bird sightings!

In my neighborhood there are three main places where I go to photograph wildlife.  They are all in a row:  an English college; a cemetery; and a French college.

In a tall conifer on the front lawn of the first college, a pair of Merlins raised a family of four chicks; in a large maple tree in the cemetery, a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks raised three chicks; and on the beautiful façade of the second college's main building, five Raven chicks were raised.

These created wonderful opportunities to photograph and watch the development of these beautiful (and vocal!) young birds.


Mother on the nest with her chicks

Three of the chicks still sporting some of their downy feathers

Out of the nest for a short foray to another branch

A young Merlin trying out his wings




Two of the young hawks


The mother is in the middle

The five chicks waiting for food


  1. Ah, a fine wildlife photographer art thou.

    I was just thinking about you today or at least recently. I was thinking of Shakespeare and how we're always studied him in high school in Ontario. But I know that I didn't study The Bard in Quebec. But I left after grade 9, so I am wondering if he appeared in later grades. I wondered whom to ask, and then I thought of you. And here you appear.

    1. Thanks Anvilcloud. Your question was answered separately.

  2. A most enjoyable post and wonderful pictures. Lucky you being able to see, and photograph, these young birds like this. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty. I do feel very lucky to have had this opportunity!

  3. messymimi wrote: "You've taken some wonderful photos of these beauties. It's hard work being a bird parent, so many mouths which are always hungry."
    Thank you messymimi. Yes, I don't envy these overworked parents! :-)
