Sunday, May 14, 2023

Daffodils and Dandelions


The daffodil – tended and tame
fashioned by man to an ideal –
In gardens wide it draws acclaim
and yet for me there's no appeal.

The dandelion – scorned as weed,
yet rivalling the sun's bright glow,
thrives on its own and has no need,
for metal spade, nor trowel, no hoe –

And spreading far by windblown seed
it's wild and free to simply grow.

For me that's all I need to know.

(from the book Discoveries In The Dark by Doris Potter)
© Doris Potter


  1. It's a nice poem and photo, but I'll tell ya for free that those dandelions take over. They grow where they're not wanted, while for us, in this garden, the daffs would not grow at all. So, I see dandelions as a pain and unworthy of a paean. 🤪

  2. I like both, and this poem. xx

  3. messymimi's comment didn't come through here for some reason so I will retype it:
    "Dandelions are beautiful, edible, and medicinal according to some. Still, once they start growing, it's hard to get them to stop and they kill everything else you're trying to grow."

  4. I view Dandelions in a different way. Where I walk these days, I see them beautifully co-mingled with purple Ground Ivy, Wild Violets and Wild Strawberries. These lovely “bouquets” that spring up spontaneously bring me a natural high.
