Saturday, September 3, 2022

Watercolor Lily


Watercolor petals gently release an inner glow – a tranquil light.

Lovely lanterns float on indigo among the glossy pads that invite tiny feet to tread lightly ...

– Stepping stones for rails.
– Rafts for frogs.

I must kneel down to see your true beauty.

In silence, on my knees, I receive your gift of serenity.

(from the book Discoveries In The Dark by Doris Potter)
© Doris Potter


  1. It’s so good to see and read these on their own. They can get overlooked when going through a few pages even though I try not to do too many at once.

    1. I understand what you mean Anvilcloud. I wanted to have each poem on a separate page for that reason, although I did put three Haikus on one page in my second book.

  2. Another good picture and poem. xx

  3. messymimi's comment (which doesn't show for some reason) was "beautiful". Thank you messymimi. :-)
