Sunday, January 9, 2022

A Cat Rescue Operation From Years Ago

One day back in 1997 I took a different route home from work and in the process came upon an abandoned lot that was home to a colony of feral cats.  The rescue operation lasted a year and involved many obstacles.  There were tragedies and triumphs but every individual that was given a better life was a victory and made it all worthwhile.  A friend who collaborated with me on this undertaking was instrumental in the many victories.  

Here is a "slide show" of the operation.  You can enlarge a photo by clicking on it.


  1. I feel like you may have mentioned this colony previously but not in detail. And I might have replied that we have a cat lady here whose mission is the rescue cats. She is a kitten rescue but also rescues adults and tries to house them elsewhere. She raises funds, neuters and inoculates every one. I am so impressed by her.

  2. I really this enjoyed post, and the pictures.
    I used to know someone who volunteered at a feral cat rescue home, and always admired what she did. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty. It's good to know that others are out there.

  3. Thank you for all you did for those precious cats. It's a labor of love.

  4. Thanks so much messymimi. You're right that it's a labor of love. :-)
