Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Childhood photos

Today, at 71 years old, I have been given photographs of me (and my siblings) that I have never seen before! It has been wonderful to see these glimpses of the past.  

I thought I would share some of these "new" photos here along with others that I have.  (Captions are beneath each picture.)

My sister Diane at left, my brother Nelson in the middle, and me (Doris).  I am not sure of our ages.  This is my all time favourite photograph of the three of us!

This one is dated 1952.  I am two years old. This is my second favourite group photo.

Again, this one is not dated but I just love our expressions and Nelson looks like a real little scamp!

Nelson, Mum (Mabel), Diane and Doris - 1954

Dad (Ronald), Nelson, Diane and Doris - 1954 (on my 4th birthday)

A rare colour photograph of the three of us!

Nelson and Doris with Santa!

Front row:  Mum (Mabel), Grandpa (Thomas - Mum's father), Dad (Ronald)
Back row:  Nelson and Doris


  1. What treasures! Nice to see and recognize you all.

    1. Thanks Anvilcloud. I thought you might recognize us in some of them.

  2. The first three are my favourites too! :-) Thank goodness we have photos to remind us of times gone by.

    1. Yes, I often think how lucky are today's children. Parents can take pictures with such ease. No film or flash bulbs required!

  3. It's always interesting to look at past family photos as they often bring to mind lots of happy memories. xx

    1. You're right Flighty. I enjoy seeing myself and others smiling in these shots.

  4. What wonderful memories! You were a lovely family.
