Monday, December 21, 2020

Saturn and Jupiter conjunction

Tonight is the night!!  Alas, the clouds are spoiling the fun of seeing the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter so I am consoling myself by doing this post with photos that I took last week on December 17th.

Captions are below each photo.  Please click on the photo to enlarge it.

Here is the lovely crescent Moon showing "earth shine", which illuminates the darkened area, and on the far right near the bottom of the image you can see Saturn above and Jupiter below.  

Here you see a close up of the two planets and even two of Jupiter's moons.  You can also notice that Jupiter shows as a circle (sphere) whereas Saturn's shape is elongated indicating the rings around the planet. 


  1. Great capture Doris! I am so happy for you that you to see so much.

  2. We have so much light from the street lights that we really did not get a good view. Your photos are excellent.

    1. Thanks messymimi. Light is such a problem! Being on the sixth floor of my building helps.

  3. I have seen a few pics where we can seem to really see the rings.

  4. Interesting post and pictures. xx
