Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Flycatchers of the Mount Royal Cemetery

This year I was fortunate enough to see five different species of flycatcher in the Mount Royal Cemetery in Montreal.  

One of them was a rarity - the Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.  

Here is a photographic record of them all.

Eastern Kingbird

Great-crested Flycatcher

Least Flycatcher (most likely)

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

Eastern Phoebe


  1. Such lovely birds, and how you keep in mind the differences i have to admire that, i would forget which is which and what is what.

    1. Thanks messymimi. Regarding IDs, I have a birder friend who helps me and also Google. :-)

  2. My goodness... they are so very different in colouring. Great photos as usual Doris!
