Saturday, March 18, 2023

Moon Bond


The moon – 
ever changing yet ever constant.
The overlooking mother.

In darkest sky is when her glow
is brightest on the earth below.

Moods respond to cyclic phases.
Blood currents shift in ebb and flow.
Tidal powers from long ago.

The moon – 
which drew me from my mother's womb,
now re-unites us in the night.

In darkest sky she'll always shine
upon my mother's face and mine.

And though apart, we are as one
where space and time just fall away.

And even when the night is done,
the comfort lingers all the day.

Note: after moving to British Columbia, at the end of each phone call with my mother she would say, "Ok ... now after we hang up, go look at the moon and I will too.  We will both be seeing it at the same time".

(From the book Discoveries In The Dark by Doris Potter)
© Doris Potter


  1. I am reminded that Sue would sometimes have “coffee across the miles” with distant family or friends. I guess that was mostly before immediate texting, however.

  2. What a beautiful memory of your mother!
