Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Toss of a Coin

Standing on the Metro platform in silence and solemnity,

her many years and cares are etched upon her face.

Clasped hands held high above her head,

brought down and raised again

to release a gleaming silver coin.

It arcs in the air and falls to the floor

over which she bends slowly

and picks it up and stares at its face.

She pauses and then repeats the process.

What answer does she seek?

People watch spellbound and give her space.

She picks up her precious coin and tucks it away.

A stranger's intimate moment.


(from the book Discoveries In The Dark by Doris Potter)

© Doris Potter


  1. Heads or tails, i wonder what decision she made, and if she liked the results.

    1. I wondered the same thing messymimi. She was so serious and I couldn't read her reaction to the toss.
