Sunday, April 10, 2022

Another Nest!


The Cooper's Hawk couple has returned to the cemetery to start a new family!  This is the third year now that I have been privileged to witness their domestic activities.

Here are some photographs (with captions beneath each one).

Such a handsome bird!

The nest is well developed.

Here's the male flying with a twig for the nest.

You can see the nest at the top left and the female hawk at the bottom right.  Unlike the earlier nesting sites, I think that once the leaves come out, I may not get much of a view of the nestlings.

The famous hawk stare!


  1. A most enjoyable post and good pictures.
    I hope that you continue to see, and photograph, them. xx

    1. Thanks Flighty. I will visit there often and hopefully all will go well. :-)

  2. AS usual Doris you take great photographs. With that stare the hawk is giving you I wonder if he recognizes you. :-)

    1. Thanks Didee. I wonder as well. Since crows are able to identify individuals, it wouldn't surprise me if hawks do as well.

  3. Your photos are beautiful, i'm glad to know they are back and busy doing what they need to do.

    1. Thanks messymimi. Yes, they certainly are busy and have been dedicated parents these last two years.
