Saturday, May 9, 2020

Sky Watching

A recent quest of mine was to find the Big Dipper.  I associate it with my childhood when I could go out any clear night and find it easily.  These days with more lights (including powerful security lights) installed in the neighbourhood, I wasn't very hopeful.  However, with the use of a wonderful app called "Stellarium", I found it directly overhead and also found a nook between two buildings which blocked most incidental light so that I could get a good look at it and photograph it.  

Here is a photo "as is" and then the same image but with the names of the major stars added.  You will need to enlarge the images to get a better look (click on the image).

I also wanted to capture Venus and several accompanying stars and the moon (below).  The moon was a crescent but I wasn't able to reduce the exposure to show that without losing all the other celestial bodies.  You will definitely need to enlarge/expand this photo!

Now here is the crescent moon as I love it!  I find it such a beautiful phase of the moon.

And, lastly, here is the Flower Moon supermoon.  The exposure is not what I was going for but somehow I like the final result.


  1. You are leaving me in the dust these days.

    I once took a local astronomy course. It was terrible, and I learned nothing. But one night they had a telescope, and I peered at one of those stars in the dipper (I think it was). Lo and behold there were actually two stars there, probably many light years apart although they appered together thorugh of telescope.

    1. Thanks Anvilcloud but you left me in the dust a long time ago with your sunrise and sunset photos! You're right about the double star - it is the middle one in the "handle".

  2. Interesting post and pictures. xx

  3. Beautiful! Yes, i often wish i could get away from the lights and just revel in the stars.

    1. Thanks messymimi, your comment is poetic.

  4. Your photos never cease to amaze me Doris. :-) I would love to view the stars but would need to travel a couple of hours north of Toronto to see them.
