Saturday, May 2, 2020

Broad-winged Hawks

As mentioned in a previous post, I found (or, I should say, several crows found) an immature Broad-winged Hawk that I was able to photograph.  

Well, a few days later in the same place, the crows alerted me again to a Broad-winged Hawk.  Then, as I observed it, a second one flew into an adjacent tree!  Here they are below.

The crows were adamant to chase them off and there was quite an aerial display!  I managed to get the following action shots before both hawks flew off with the crows in pursuit:

I keep returning to the area (not much choice with the pandemic directives these days) but have never seen them since (as of two weeks now).

On a sad note (for me that is), the Cooper's Hawks from my previous post seem to have moved away without raising any young.  I was seeing them every day that I went looking and now it has been six days with no sightings.  I've checked the nest and it seems abandoned.  It has left me feeling bereft.  I think my emotions are very much on the surface these days with all the tragedy related to COVID-19 and sadness is a default frame of mind ... 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great action shots Doris! I hope the crows didn't chase them away permanently.

    1. Thanks Didee. It's hard to know if they were just passing through or, for that matter, whether the crows would dissuade them from hanging around. Being immatures, they may not be a mated pair.

  3. My hope is that all of the hawks have found good spots and settled in.

    Excellent photos!

  4. Don't be too sad on your special birthday.

  5. Wonderful pictures. Shame about the Cooper's Hawks, and I empathize with your emotions about them. Take care. xx
