Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can you see the Bittern?

Have you ever seen an American Bittern? They are not easy to spot. I was aware of their penchant for standing in dry reeds with beak pointing upwards (and even swaying "in the wind") but I had never seen it in real life until a couple of week-ends ago. I managed to get a few shots. There was one where the bird was quite "invisible" but I thought this one was a better choice for the blog.

By the way, they also have an amazing call which to me sounds like a loud and deep "glug, glug". I saw this one doing it and it is interesting to watch as well as to hear because the bird inflates its throat to make the noise.


  1. It would be easy to miss for sure.

  2. Hi AC: Yes, it was only due to the keen eye of a helpful birder that I saw it!

  3. Terrific picture! They're just as elusive here, I've heard them but never seen one.
    Flighty xx

  4. Thanks Flighty. Nice to know you have them too. Doris

  5. That is a terrific shot Doris, it took me a little minute to see it... Amazing.

  6. Thanks Daffy. Nice to hear from you! Doris
