Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Another Owl - And A Rare One

After having wonderful owl sightings recently (see previous blog post), these last few days have been just as exciting.  

First of all, the Snowy Owl was seen again at the same location (but a different lamp standard) and then a rare owl was found on a nearby golf course!  This particular owl, a Short-eared Owl, has been frequenting it since December.  

I receive email alerts for rare bird sightings and finally I managed to get out there to actively search for this owl.  Although it involved climbing a snow bank to get over a fence, slog through nearly knee deep snow and edge along treacherous icy patches, it was certainly worth it!  I even managed to have some "alone time" with the owl (sans other photographers) just as the sun came out to show off the beauty of this bird.  And look at those incredible eyes!

Interestingly, the Short-eared Owl seems to like to perch on the outer parts of branches (which is wonderful for photographers), whereas the Long-eared Owl (see below) tends to roost among dense foliage and close to the tree's trunk.  I was very lucky to get this shot several years ago and only found the owl by being tipped off by a lone crow which was circling the tree and calling loudly.